Haasts Bluff, also known as Ikuntji, is an Aboriginal community in Central Australia. Located approximately 230 km west of Alice Springs, the community takes its name from the nearby outcrop, given this name in 1872 by the explorer Ernest Giles, after the German-born New Zealand geologist, Julius von Haast.

 68084 Haasts Bluff

I was fortunate enough to witness Haasts Bluff in all its glory during sunset. The warm light illuminated the shapes and contours of the mountains, creating a stunning display of natural beauty.

 69194 Haasts Bluff Aerial
  • Picture of Haasts Bluff, Central Australia, Northern Territory, Australia
  • Picture of Haasts Bluff, Central Australia, Northern Territory, Australia
  • Picture of Haasts Bluff, Central Australia, Northern Territory, Australia
  • Picture of Haasts Bluff, Central Australia, Northern Territory, Australia
  • Picture of Haasts Bluff, Central Australia, Northern Territory, Australia
  • Picture of Haasts Bluff, Central Australia, Northern Territory, Australia
  • Picture of Haasts Bluff, Central Australia, Northern Territory, Australia

Pictures of Haasts Bluff

All of Richard's pictures of Haasts Bluff are available to buy as high quality photographic Prints or on Canvas. We also have many framing options available.

View all images of Haasts Bluff.

For enquires about image licensing and corporate purchases of Richard's pictures of Haasts Bluff use our contact form or call Richard directly on;

   0410 191 288

"I’m committed to bringing you the best of quality and workmanship in all aspects of my photography, from capture to print."

"With the backing of my family picture framing and printing business Lemon Tree Framing Gallery, which has been operating on the Central Coast for over 45 years, I’m also able to offer the highest quality printing and framing options. All materials used are superior acid free products which guarantee to maintain the appearance of your photographs for years to come."

Australian Landscape Photographer R a Stanley Australian Landscape Photographer
Richard Stanley

Lemon Tree Picture Framing Lemon Tree Framing Gallery, East Gosford