Located just 3km north of Burra on the Barrier Highway, you'll find an abandoned farmhouse that has gained fame and notoriety. Known as the "Midnight Oil House," this cottage rose to prominence when it was featured on the album cover of Midnight Oil's "Diesel and Dust" record, captured by renowned Australian photographer Ken Duncan.

 67044 Burra Homestead

Midnight Oil selected the image for their album cover, as it symbolized the Australian bush setting they sought to evoke. The album became a huge success, solidifying the Burra Homestead's image as an iconic representation of the band's music. Despite the aging lean-to structure, with a deteriorating roof and a fallen wall, the house still stands today.

  • Picture of Burra, Upper Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia, Australia
  • Picture of Burra, Upper Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia, Australia

Pictures of Burra

All of Richard's pictures of Burra are available to buy as high quality photographic Prints or on Canvas. We also have many framing options available.

View all images of Burra.

For enquires about image licensing and corporate purchases of Richard's pictures of Burra use our contact form or call Richard directly on;

   0410 191 288

"I’m committed to bringing you the best of quality and workmanship in all aspects of my photography, from capture to print."

"With the backing of my family picture framing and printing business Lemon Tree Framing Gallery, which has been operating on the Central Coast for over 45 years, I’m also able to offer the highest quality printing and framing options. All materials used are superior acid free products which guarantee to maintain the appearance of your photographs for years to come."

Australian Landscape Photographer R a Stanley Australian Landscape Photographer
Richard Stanley

Lemon Tree Picture Framing Lemon Tree Framing Gallery, East Gosford